Gothic Poet The Kreep Haunted By Shipwrecked Goste
Her full name is Parthenia Mary Lee Goste (Thea). She is of Welsh descent. She haunts a lovely lighthouse by the sea nestled on Point Wilson in a Victorian sea port named Port Townsend. Parthenia drowned in1921 with the sinking of the passenger ship the S. S. Governor traveling inbound from San Francisco to Seattle. It collided with the freighter S.S. Hartland taking to the sea eight souls.

The Goste family was asleep when the impact occurred. On one side of the room the parents, Willard and Parthenia. On the other side, their two girls, Saje (8) and Paje (10). When the West Hartland hit, the bow sliced the Goste’s cabin in half, seriously wounding Willard, and trapping the two girls in their beds. Parthenia managed to escape, bringing help, and remove the wounded Mr. Goste, but the poor girls were doomed. Parthenia overcome with frantic rage, had to be forcibly removed.
Once the crew had the injured husband and grieving mother topside, they moved immediately to transfer Wilson over to the West Hartland with the rest of the passengers fleeing the sinking ship. As they were distracted, Parthenia broke free from her rescuers and ran back into the ship to be with her children. She, of course, was never seen again.
The S.S. Governor sunk within 20 minutes of impact, taking eight of the 240 passangers with it – including Parthenia Goste and her two children. In close proximity to the wreckage is the Point Wilson Lighthouse, whose keeper witnessed the tragic accident. Today, the apparition of a woman is seen by the locals, wearing a nightgown and wandering the lighthouse as if searching for her children.

post script: aujourd’hui is French, pronounced au + jour + de + hui, literally “at the day of today”
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The Goste family was asleep when the impact occurred. On one side of the room the parents, Willard and Parthenia. On the other side, their two girls, Saje (8) and Paje (10). When the West Hartland hit, the bow sliced the Goste’s cabin in half, seriously wounding Willard, and trapping the two girls in their beds. Parthenia managed to escape, bringing help, and remove the wounded Mr. Goste, but the poor girls were doomed. Parthenia overcome with frantic rage, had to be forcibly removed.
Once the crew had the injured husband and grieving mother topside, they moved immediately to transfer Wilson over to the West Hartland with the rest of the passengers fleeing the sinking ship. As they were distracted, Parthenia broke free from her rescuers and ran back into the ship to be with her children. She, of course, was never seen again.
The S.S. Governor sunk within 20 minutes of impact, taking eight of the 240 passangers with it – including Parthenia Goste and her two children. In close proximity to the wreckage is the Point Wilson Lighthouse, whose keeper witnessed the tragic accident. Today, the apparition of a woman is seen by the locals, wearing a nightgown and wandering the lighthouse as if searching for her children.
post script: aujourd’hui is French, pronounced au + jour + de + hui, literally “at the day of today”
befriend Parthenia on Facebook
The Kreep blog and Facebook
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